Crumbacher Supports El Rancho de las Golondrinas 2019 Renaissance Faire

Crumbacher Supports El Rancho de las Golondrinas 2019 Renaissance Faire

Crumbacher Chief Operating Officer John Crumbacher is one of thousands of people who grew up in Santa Fe with fond memories of visiting El Rancho de las Golondrinas, a historic rancho and living history museum dedicated to preserving the history, heritage, and culture of 18th and 19th century New Mexico. With his memories of attending events there as a child, like Civil War re-enactments, he has now shared the experience of visiting the 200-acre museum with his family, including his 3-year-old daughter. This time, they attended the museum’s Santa Fe Renaissance Faire, which helps fund educational program at the museum and the Santa Fe School for the Arts & Sciences.

John didn’t just attend the event. Crumbacher was a sponsor and John noted that El Rancho de las Golondrinas was one of the family businesses’ first clients. He said they sponsor at least one event a year at the living history museum and said, “We like to give back to the community as much as we can. El Rancho de las Golondrinas is a gem that Santa Fe needs to hold on to, treat well, and make sure it doesn’t disappear.”

Crumbacher is a family-owned business with offices in Santa Fe and Albuquerque offering IT services, copier services and repair, and telephone and VOIP sales and service.

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